The Conjugal Chemistry
The entire universe has its existence rooted in the principle of the opposites. The Shiva sakthi concept, the yin-yang concept of the Chinese, spirit and matter are all part of the same vision.
The opposite though they seemingly exist independently, the reality is that they cannot exist without the other, the other being always the opposite. Therefore the opposites are always complementary, or rather they are not really opposites. They are like the two sides, that make a coin. Opposites seemingly exist only to make existence possible and to enhance each other.
Man and woman are the most ideal pair of opposites blessed with endless endowments physical mental intellectual and spiritual to help them merge into each other and experience the ultimate goal of life ie, bliss, pure existence consciousness. But how many are able to realise or even at least know that there exists, such a possibility?
The following illustrations are self explanatory
To begin with man and woman are incomplete and a little irregular and therefore unstable as the figure shows. This instability is only as far as the earthy life goes and is exactly the potential life holds. Man tends to be reasoning or head oriented and woman emotional or heart oriented as a general rule.
However when they come together with the spirit of right mental attitude i.e, a willingness to appreciate the opposite values in sacrifice, love energy emanates from each other and they make an ideal couple and the shape squares up and attains stability. Such a couple will be a boon to the entire society spreading positive energy everywhere.
When they live life complementing each other, i.e the woman depending and drawing from the power of reasoning and stability of the man and the man acquiring the emotional qualities of love and tenderness and care they perfectly bond and become one, merging into each other, going beyond duality. Conflict ends and peace dawns.
Evolving further they enter into more blissful coexistence. Though physical separation becomes an increasing reality, that no more troubles them and they are any moment ready for the final departure. Very often they depart from this world one after the other.
An interesting evaluation of human faculties through an analogy
Synergism is where the combined strength is much greater than the sum total of the strength of the individual ingredients. It works something like 1+1=11 i.e. two together performs better.
Synergism is a great boon to humanity and often helps value addition in all his endeavours. One clear example of synergism is concrete. The strength of the concrete is much more than the total strength of the ingredients used.
Similarly man and woman are endowed with several individual faculties in the form of sense organs and motor organs (action organs).
When man and woman are able to combine these faculties, synergistically to good effect, the result is perfect bonding. This bonding is always the result of a chemical transformation which is termed as conjugal chemistry. Please give your deep attention to an analogy between concrete and conjugal relation using the various factors involved.
Match the following correctly (Fill the columns in couple with matching number in Concrete)
1. Cement
2. Sand
3. Granite pieces
4. Steel
5. Water
6. Air
7. Mixing
The various faculties have been jumbled. There can be only one perfect match on either side. So let your reasoning go wild. Think, imagine, discuss, move with awareness into the subtle act of love making and come to conclusion. Here you are studying yourself. You are the laboratory, you are the scientist, and you are the subject and object.
It would be a very entertaining and research oriented exercise to find the perfect match. Give a fair trial and then go through the most appropriate answers given below. You will enjoy doing this exercise.
If the concrete is not strong it is evident that some ingredients are short or not of right quality. Similarly in life if these are problems it should be concluded, that some faculties are idle. They should be identified and corrective approaches made.