The origin of Ayurveda is in the Supreme Mind or individual minds in oneness with the Supreme Mind.
Ayurveda is an all inclusive, all pervasive science.It is relevant and applicable to every facet of life. Ayurveda philosophy and vision has solution, to every problem that humanity is facing today. It cannot be classified under any philosophy, but all philosophies are part of it.
If only people come to understand in reality, what it is about the three humors or principles VATA ,PITHA, KAPHA then the interest in ayurveda would go up multifold. Vast majority of people have not even heard about these universal principles and those few who have heard about have a shady understanding. In fact this should be the first and foremost of all learning. A basic knowledge about Ayurvedic principles will help know ourselves and others better. This science is so sublime and down to earth, that it can be understood subjectively.
This is a science that should be taught universally because it talks primarily about improving the health of the healthy. Health of the healthy can be improved to an unlimited holistic level. Even when all are disease free, ayurveda will continue to be relevant. In such a scenario suppression , symptomatic cure and crisis management will have a restricted role to play . Prevention will be the order of the day. Agriculture, economy and education are the key areas where Ayurvedic philosophy can be correlated and applied.
If we are talking about health care then ayurveda is the lone comprehensive system to take care of all the needs i.e., spiritual ,intellectual, mental and physical. Swastha Vritta, in ayurveda deals at length the daily and seasonal routines to preserve one's health and enjoy the healthy status in tune with nature. Today we are resigned to the notion that man is all about diseases where as we should realize that we are all about health, born with all prospects of bolstering it to a great cause.
The greatest asset of a human being is his health. Those who want to improve their health can take to various purificatory processes in ayurveda. They are generally classified under panchakarma (the fivefold processes). They are effective to complement one's health as well as to alleviate diseases. Ayurvedic treatment is not disease oriented but system oriented. It is a holistic view and the ideal one. An Ayurvedic physician can treat any patient without knowing the disease and yet thwart the disease. This is achieved by balancing the deranged doshas and eliminating the toxins.